
The people Faye Horton helps are both insurance prospects and insurance professionals. Using the skills, experience, and resources from 20+ years in the insurance industry, she has successfully helped agents create residual income, and meet their business goals. Coaching opportunities, books, courses, and free stuff are available in the STORE.
Coaching Opportunities
30 Minute Discovery Call - $0
90 Minute Intensive - $149
4 Week Accelerator Course - $497
Custom 1:1 - 3 Month Coaching Program - $3,497

Customer Service = Customer Sales
Is there a difference between customer service and customer sales? The customer isn’t always right. However, the customer is the customer. Ian Moyse says “We are ‘never’ going back to the old world and now is the time for every member of your team, not only those in a sales role, to appreciate that we all influence a customer’s experience of service.”
In this book, you will learn some basics that you may or may not use currently. These basic steps of Customer Service will help you to hone your Customer Service skills and create more Customer Sales.
AEP SUCCESS: Planning for a Successful AEP
Learn how to set reasonable goals based on how you will work, where you will work and when you will work.
It’s all about working smart and not working hard. Learn what’s available for you and how to make decisions to run your business. Receive activities for self generating leads for AEP, starting with the minute you read this book.
If you want success, create it!

Keeping Up with Customers (PDF Book Download)
Getting customers is always a concern for most businesses. Obviously, if you have no customers you have no business. The insurance business is no different.
It costs five times as much to get a new customer than it is to keep an existing one. The little things you do will create a memorable impression with your customer.
Medicare and Social Security Meetings 101
The course will prepare you to become the Medicare Expert in your community. You will learn:
- Where to conduct meetings
- What to use as marketing tools
- How to conduct these meetings compliantly
- What follow up is allowed
- What Table top information to have available
- And more!

5 Things You Need to Know! What to Say to Your Medicare Customer

Checklist for Running a Great Zoom Meeting

Decisions of Medicare Beneficiaries (CMS)

Is a Script Really Necessary for Telephone Sales?

Provider Marketing Checklist
Provider marketing is not limited to physicians. It will include pharmacies, durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers, laboratories, specialists and primary care physicians and other suppliers of the plans you represent. This checklist will help you with what to say to those providers to create a presence and partnership to grow their patient base and your customer base.

Sample Medicare Prospect Letter
People buy insurance from a person not from a letter. They will, however, look closer and read a letter more so than a brochure. A well written letter will get the prospect’s attention first.

Sample Medicare AEP Letter
Request a Consultation with Faye